In brief, the chief end of Melville-Knox Christian School is “to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever” through its teaching. The three subsidiary aims of the School that seek to bring this into practice are:
to instil wisdom and Godly character in its pupils, equipping them for life in the 21st century.
to provide its pupils with excellent education.
to be a fragrance and light to its surrounding community by offering excellent education indiscriminately, by supporting home-schooling families and by being positively involved in the community.
You can find a more detailed outline of our Guiding Principles here.
As a Christian school, Melville-Knox Christian School teaches many subjects in a way that differs from that of the mainstream education system. Parents – and students – unfamiliar with the concept of Christian education might find initial difficulty in adjusting to the differences.
Although, at times, the school uses good secular materials and resources to teach several subjects, it will always supplement this material and, if necessary, amend it in order to secure faithfulness to Biblical truth and principles.
Additionally, as a Reformed Christian school, it may be the case that children and parents of various denominations might find some teaching different from that of their own churches. In the initial interview, School Management Committee members will have information detailing the school’s curriculum in greater detail as well as specimen textbooks.
Subject areas that our curriculum will be covering are:
Health and Wellbeing
Languages (including Literacy)
Mathematics and Numeracy
Religious and Moral Education
Social Studies
Expressive Arts
The underlying principles of education in the school will be Biblical and God-focused.
You can find a detailed description of our current curriculum and the materials we use here.
Partnership with Parents
Although parents retain their God-given responsibility for educating their children, the school works on the principle, that this responsibility is delegated by the parents to the staff of the school during school hours.
Accordingly, the school approaches schooling as a partnership between teachers and parents. For this partnership to be effective, the school considers two issues to be of critical importance:
Effective and regular communication between the school and the parents.
A thorough understanding of the roles and responsibilities of each party.
This is why there is a compulsory Admission Interview for all prospective parents in order to determine whether Melville-Knox Christian School is the right fit for them.
As the school fees are kept low to allow children from different financial backgrounds to attend the school, the school is dependent on donations and volunteers.
We expect all parents to consider joining the Parent and Friends Association (PFA). Members of the PFA support the running of the school financially through donations but also practically in its day to day running. This can look differently for each person, but examples are volunteering as a Classroom Assistant, planning fundraising and other events or taking up a role in the School Management Committee. There are many ways for parents to get involved at the school to take part in the running of it, making sure the parents are not just customers of the school but rather an active part of the school community.
You can find out more about the Parents and Friends Association here.
Parents’ Evenings will be held twice a year. At these evenings, parents will have an opportunity to discuss their child’s performance individually with the child’s main teacher where open and clear communication is welcomed and encouraged.
Standards of Behaviour
An undisciplined environment is not only an unbiblical environment but one which hinders effective teaching and learning as well as imparting wrong standards of behaviour to the children.
The Classroom teacher is responsible for keeping a high standard of discipline in the classroom and, in order to help him/her to achieve this, will usually be assisted by a volunteer Classroom Assistant. The discipline of the school will be of a high standard and, as is Biblical, will always be in the context of love.
The Discipline Policy depicts acceptable and unacceptable behaviour and provides norms for rewarding and punishing. You can find our full discipline policy here.
Below is a brief overview of behavioural standards expected of pupils:
Language: all unclean language is unacceptable but particularly profane or blasphemous expressions – including taking the name of God in a light or flippant manner or using alternatives to taking the Lord's name in vain.
Body Language: body language that depicts rebellion (for example, not looking at teacher when spoken to) is unacceptable.
Respect: Students are to address each other and their teacher with respect. A tone, or words, that portray disrespect or a rebellious attitude are unacceptable.
Bullying: any signs of bullying, whether verbal or physical, will be dealt with seriously. The bully is to be confronted, rebuked and biblically counselled for his/her action and attitude and will be required to apologise.
Tuition Fees
Melville-Knox Christian School Aberdeen charges £1,600 per year per child. Should a family enrol more than one child, the following reductions apply:
£1,600 per year for one child (100%)
£1,200 per year for the second child (75%)
£1,040 per year for the third and any subsequent child (65%)
We want to make Christian education accessible to anyone. Should finances be a concern, please do not hesitate to get in touch with the school regardless.
School is located in the building of Grace Reformed Church Aberdeen on Long Walk Road in Mastrick, Aberdeen. Here we have a designated classroom area as well as a small office to be used for the school. Due to building size, we are currently restricted to a class with a maximum of 15 pupils.
Applications & Admission
Please consult our Admission pages for information about the admission process and how to apply.