Application Forms
The School is currently equipped to enrol up to 15 pupils with limited spaces still available for the next academic year 2024/25.
Should no space be available anymore, we will waitlist your child(ren) until we are able to offer them a place. Please fill out the waitlist form below alongside an application should you want to waitlist your child in case of the roll being full. You can now also waitlist your child to register your interest for a place at our school for academic years starting in 2025 and 2026. Places on the waitlist will be assigned according to the order of priority laid out in our Admission Policy below.
If you have decided to enrol you child(ren) please download the application form below in the format suitable to you and email it to enquiries@melvilleknoxaberdeen.org or send a printed copy to:
Melville-Knox Christian School Aberdeen,
Grace Reformed Church, Long Walk Road,
AB16 5QQ, Aberdeen
Our administrator will be in touch with you shortly after to arrange an admission interview. You can find our complete Admission Policy below.
Admission Policy
A. Principles
Our goal is that we should be able to make Christian Education available to all who want it. There is to be no selection of pupils on the basis of academic ability or financial status.
Our basic aim is to enable Christian parents to fulfil their God given mandate to bring up their children in the fear and admonition of the Lord. We see our responsibility primarily to such parents, but as far as it is compatible with our basic aim we will seek to be open to pupils from families of any or no faith.
While trying to be open to pupils of any ability we must recognise that in some cases of special learning needs it may not be possible for the school to meet such needs properly.
B. Procedure
In assigning places for pupils, places will be offered in the following order of priority:
Children who already have siblings enrolled in the school
Children of Parent and Friends Association members
All other children according to the date when the application form was received, with no preference given to the religion/non-religion held by the applicants.
The normal admissions procedure is following, after initial contact is made:
The administrator will send out leaflets of the school.
The parent(s)/carer(s) will be invited to arrange a time for a visit. This might be with or without the pupil(s) concerned.
The possibility of the pupil(s) attending lessons for a day or part of a day will be made known to parents/carers.
The parent(s)/carer(s) will be given the full prospectus and are asked to fill in the application form to proceed with the application.
An interview by two people. One of whom should be a Head teacher or Depute head teacher. The other can be a teacher. The interview committee will explain the responsibilities of parent(s)/carer(s), answer any questions and explain how the school is organised and run.
Generally, the teachers will decide on admission but in special circumstances, the teachers can refer the case to the Board. The parents can appeal to the Board if the teachers have refused a place.