Academic excellence with a Biblical worldview
Academic excellence
At Melville-Knox Schools we aim for the highest possible standards of education. Our aim is to employ teachers that are all of the finest calibre and registered through the General Teaching Council of Scotland. Our schools are committed to small class sizes to give extra focus to each individual pupil’s needs.
Bible-centred teaching
Since God created all things and all knowledge belongs to Him, our schools teach each subject on the curriculum from a Biblical perspective. Christianity affects the whole of life, including how we think and learn and so we teach how to love God with all the heart and mind.
Network of schools
Our school works in partnership with Melville-Knox Scotland to achieve the best in professional practice. It is their aim to develop schools across Scotland so that all parents can have the opportunity to send their child to a Melville-Knox School.
Welcome to Melville-Knox Aberdeen
Melville-Knox Aberdeen is the first Christian school in the North-East of Scotland. Open since August 2023, we offer a thorough and excellent education that is based upon the Word of God and prepares children to serve God throughout all stages of life. Children need to learn Biblical wisdom, a quality that is desperately lacking in modern Scotland. Biblical wisdom is not just learning facts about the Bible, but learning how the Bible relates to all of life. Biblical wisdom bows before Christ in every subject of the curriculum. It honours Christ who is Lord of all of life. Our School seeks to consistently apply these principles throughout the whole curriculum to prepare our pupils to serve in His Kingdom.
To find out more take a look at our Prospectus.
Over the summer holidays this year our pupils will take part in a summer reading challenge! They'll each set a target time for their doing maths or reading during their school holidays and then track how much they actually read/do maths. There'll be a prize after the holidays for those who have read the most!
Some of them will ask their parents/grandparents/family friends to fund them in their challenge (e.g., £0.50 per 15mins reading). They'll then donate the funds raised to our school for some new classroom books!

If you or your children would like to be part of our fundraising challenge, you can download you target tracker sheet here. Email us if you are doing it to keep us in the loop on how it is going (enquiries@melvilleknoxaberdeen.org).
If you don't want to take part in the challenge but still donate, you can do so on our donation page here.
Download the target tracker by clicking on the image to the right!